Stop Rape Now! Do your Bit!

Sign this petition and express your support!!

This is the least we can do.

The gang-rape of a 23-year-old student in a moving bus on the night of December 17 in the capital city of Delhi has triggered anger, outrage and shock amongst every citizen this country.

Sign this petition. They still need more than 5000 supporters!

7 thoughts on “Stop Rape Now! Do your Bit!

  1. Signed.

    But, not good enough 😦 I think we should follow Saudi or Africa in such a situation instead of tweeting, blogging N facebook-ing 😦

    Wish, if I could reincarnate as a Kalki Avatar or an Anti-Christ 😦


  2. Protest Marches, Outraged Placards and Online Petitions Addressing Rape Are Not Talking to the Men in Question – the Rapists. What exactly are these protest marches, placard holding and slogans for? Why are we taking to the streets and talking about shaming society? Are we hoping that this collective outrage will shame the serial rapists of this world from committing the crime again? Do we think that our protests will instill fear in the future rapist? A regular guy, who goes about his work day, has a beer at night – or not – and while returning home to his parents, or hostel, or to his slum, or to his buddies, sees a girl – a teenage girl, or a middle aged woman, or an elderly lady, or a small child – and suddenly he is overcome with the impulse to rape them. Does he even think of his act as a crime?


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