
AUGUST 2012:

I love dancing but I am not a dancer.

I love taking photographs but I am not a photographer.

I love writing but I am not a writer.

I hate engineering and guess what I am an engineer.

Besides this, I am a young girl living with my parents in a small town of north India studying hard to make my life better.

Tragedies, comedies and coincidences are a part of my life and blogging is a way to share my ‘not-so-ordinary’ life with the world.

AUGUST 2013:

After spending one depressing year at home, I finally got into a college, doing my PG in the eastern part of India now. Tragedies, comedies, continue to be a part of my life, and as always they find a place in my little blog here.

August 2015:
The PG is done and I am back to being unemployed which means I am back to writing. I am a little tortoise in this big bad world where everyone is busy running like a hare. Would I ever be able to win the race?

August 2017:

Broke, unemployed and desperate for a breakthrough, I am still waiting for my “Big” day. The noble truths of Buddhism say that life is full of sorrow and desire is the root cause of it. As much as I would like to achieve Nirvana, I can’t give up on my desires as yet. I just can’t quit dreaming.

Writing about dreams, hopes and memories, I bare my soul here.

Welcome to Pseudomonaz, a place I call my own.

163 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey, thanks for dropping by.
    Just went through your blog. Really fun and straight from heart. Guessing you studied in KV MEG, hope it is correct. I am sure you would have loved it.
    You should feel happy that you have a chance to see new places, get to know new people, enjoy, explore places, make new relationships…. LIfe is all this and a lot more. Enjoy the ride. Woudl love to read more from you. Cheers!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • i loved your blog too….especially the post SMILE…it was like i am reading something related to me…it came out really well..:-)
      ya i did my schooling from MEG…have you been there?
      I am looking forward to living a new life… 🙂
      Thanks for visiting…:-)


      • Unfortunately, i did not get the chance of snow-fall but yes, i still remember the girl wrapped in long brown shawls and pair of jeans. i thought for once that it was their local fashion but then there was highly westernized party too! all in all UK is a state of thrill, spontaneity, exploration and lifetime experiences.


      • surely it is… 🙂 even i have not witnessed snowfall since a long time.. 😦
        though you have been there for only 3 months you surely know and describe it better then me… 🙂


  2. The characteristic of a good photograph is that even the stillness of the photograph can say thousand words. I enjoy doing that.

    Writing is my second choice.

    Thank you. You did spend a good time on my blog.


    • loved those photographs, specially the squirrel.. that was cute.. you have a great blog there… and it doesn’t seem like writing is your second choice.. you write very well.. keep penning!


      • I love when these little creatures show their beautiful mute expressions. They don’t have words, but they have the expressions which says more than the words.
        I’ll take your words. They will keep motivating me more whenever i take pen to write something.


  3. hey hi.. well it always feel nice to read such meaningful blogs. there is every deepth in your blogs. which ofcourse a reader like me as attracted towards yoru writing. do visit my blogs too, which are totally indifferent from here.

    Keep writing.


    • thank you for visiting my blog… i’ll surely do check out your’s.. versatility is what make every blog special in its own way.. Have a great day.


  4. Poetry is the deepest form of writing… really enjoyed your work..
    I am so glad you dropped by my blog and i am even happier that you enjoyed my writing 🙂
    Thanks a lot for the encouragement! really really means a lot 🙂
    And keep up the good work 🙂 I am following 🙂


  5. ‘About me’ makes me feel like I know you. Too different yet too alike. Really liked your blog.
    🙂 Keep writing good stuff, best wishes.


  6. Hey, thanks for dropping by 🙂 I like your blog, the way you share life experiences and make a value out of it 🙂
    The way you describe yourself..is pretty much how I’d describe myself as well. I like a lot of things even though they don’t really define me. And hey, you’re an engineer? Me too! (y) *virtual high-five*

    I’m gonna follow your blog. Keep writing! 🙂


  7. I wont be saying ‘good blog’, you already have received numerous compliments. Yet, I cant help it. 😛
    You write good.. 🙂

    PS: I know this strategy works for getting visitors to your blogs. 😀 Seems you’ve spent a great deal of time on my blog, though.

    PPS: D’you check your mail? 😀


  8. the moment I read your hover card, I could relate so much with you! Pretty good that I landed up here looking for inspiration… I moved recently to WordPress after being so loyal to Blogger for 5 years… Nevertheless… your posts are cool… Keep blogging 🙂


  9. Just wanted to let you know I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. I hope this will be welcome news for you. If you prefer not to accept the award, I certainly understand, but I hope you will visit the other nominees, and they will visit you, just the same. To see more about the award and this nomination, please visit my post at http://wp.me/p2ekZU-18E – All the best!


  10. Hi! I just started blogging a few days back and am in that phase, where every post-like gives a heart-skip.. So Thank You for being one of the first to drop by.. It means a lot! 🙂
    By the way, your style of writing is so beautiful and flowy, it makes me eager to read more!
    P.S. I am studying Engineering too.. Can so relate 😀


  11. I am the hundredth blogger to like your About Page. 🙂

    What a fun discovery. 😀

    I must say I thoroughly enjoyed reading your posts and I will continue to do so. You write well. Keep the posts coming. 🙂


    • Haha… so you are the lucky one!!! 🙂
      Thank you so much for stopping by..My about page is the only one with 100 likes. Its good to make a century. Thank you for all the appreciation. 🙂


  12. Good to know you. And I am amazed how you manage to come up with such lovely poems and articles every other day. By the way, your intro looks same as mine. A Engineer by chance and blogger by choice. 😀


  13. Just came here to Thank you for liking the guest post on RANTS which had my photos. Since I’m beginner at photography, really appreciate it.
    Also, now following your blog. Nice 🙂


  14. Easily the best about section i have ever come acroos:D.
    And apart from dancing I fit into the same description of a pseudo photographer,dancer and to be engineer!


  15. Great posts. Well, sometimes doing what we don’t like does have its benefits. I run into engineers a lot and here i am running into another. Keep writing. Looking forward to reading a lot more of your posts.


  16. wow! great blog and great posts,. just stumbled across it. followed! by the way i am an indian too. very rare to find many indians blogging ! stay in touch . 🙂


  17. Psedomonas are a species of mirco-organisms(I guess you’d know that :P)
    and as beautiful and a tiny yet deep impacted microbes can be,your blog does just that!
    This name is so much suitable that it boggles me mind!Were you insanely great in organic chemistry? 😀


  18. I searched for some specific terms in google and it landed me to me of your posts, read it, loved it, liked it, i even commented on it !

    I found it so interesting i checked your other posts and from what i have seen so far, you have some really good posts and poems and its not just me but a lot of people appreciate your posts and love the way you write. Keep them posts coming.

    PS: i’ll try not to stalk you by reading your old posts, from the days when you started blogging.
    (i loved your posts so much i think someday when i am bored, i might actually end up doing that).

    happy blogging !


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