Missing Convocation…yet again!!!

Three years ago when I wrote this post, I guess I somehow irked the almighty , because He/She didn’t let me attend yet another of my convocation. So, now I am this 24 year old girl who has two degrees but not even one experience of throwing that graduation cap up in the air. Ok, I am making it sound like some kinda achievement but for me, it actually is an achievement. I got two degrees in a career I never really liked in the first place and after all that torture I didn’t get to attend even one of my graduation day. How unfair is it!!!! That bloody college people changed the convocation date from 12th to 20th December, that is on the day of an exam which all my classmates were going to write. So, our entire class was indirectly restricted from attending the convocation. I just feel so bad you know. I was so excited about going back to college, meeting everyone and relive old college days but that didn’t happen and I ended up seeing pictures of people dressed in convocation robes exactly like the last time. Now every person on facebook has a convocation DP… except me. Hell, facebook is filled with wedding pictures, and I don’t even have that (OK, I don’t want that, but still they have something to post) then there are job updates, country updates, check ins, dinner pictures, daru pictures, all kind of shit and I have nothing. When is God gonna bless me with something to show off. Yaar, I don’t want that, I just wanted to go back to college, and attend my convocation, but I guess it is just not in my kismat. I am actually not into facebook that much, I had deactivated it for years, and only joined it a year ago. It’s just a place which makes me feel like I am way behind people, like everyone is moving ahead, changing careers, getting married and here I am, still trying to figure out what I want from life. I have engaged myself in this long unpredictable journey of a long lost dream while people are running from one goal to another. But I guess this is who I am, and this is the life I have chosen for myself. Nothing and no one else matters.

Well, you know what I am going to do, I am going to invite all my friends to Delhi, rent those convocation robes and throw a super awesome graduation party for us (Of course with their money), and make it better than a real convocation. Yes, that’s what I am going to do. And I am going to be happy.

P.S. I just realized that it’s actually a very childish post, but I am gonna publish it anyway. Who cares…

12 thoughts on “Missing Convocation…yet again!!!

  1. You do that.. and Facebook is waste of time I feel myself.. so many people waste so much time on it.. anyway I hardly use it ever and I doubt I am missing anything. .☺☺

    The post also reminds me I too mossed my convocation for my masters as I had to come to uk.. ☺

    When you have that party invite me to i can get that gown and click a few pics of mine tooo….☺☺


  2. I wish I could say something to comfort you but you know, our mind justifies everything for itself eventually and the disappointment fades away. 🙂
    I hit your blog wondering why you haven’t written in a while. It seems I somehow missed this post in my reader! I get that you’ve been busy with in Delhi, but you’ve considerably dropped your blogging frequency. :/
    And I don’t know if anyone else feels this too but Facebook leaves me feeling actually exhausted – like real fatigue. I was online most of my vacation time and I get that feeling like I need to rest. 😦


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