Happy Birthday to Me

Tomorrow i.e. on 31st January is my birthday. This one’s gonna be the most sober birthday in these 22 years of my life. Unlike the earlier years i don’t have new clothes to wear, i don’t have a cake and i don’t have any gifts. Few people will call me and the day will pass like any other day. Though it sounds like that but i am not complaining. The people who really love me will call me, even if they won’t due to some reasons they’ll at least think about me once and that is enough for me. I am the one who has chosen to live this way. I must not complain about it.

Last year's cake. My boyfriend calls me MPS. No one knows what it stands for, that's why they wrote it on my cake. ;-)
Last year’s cake. My boyfriend calls me MPS. No one knows what it stands for, that’s why they wrote it on my cake. 😉 and i won’t tell what it means. He has never given me a cute name and like all names given by him i hate it too.

I am not happy, I am not sad, I am just okay and sometimes its okay to be okay. I recently read the book “The Power” by Rhonda Byrne. This book has inspired me and i am starting to believe in the law of attraction. We do get the things we really want in life, we just need to have faith and believe on the power of our dreams. We must love the things we want in our life. Love has immense power, the power to make dreams come true. And in this new year of my life i’ve decided to be optimistic about life. I’ve decided to be positive and hopeful, to believe in the power of my dreams. I don’t know how all this works but i want to believe that it does work. I don’t know where life is leading me, whether i’ll be able to get into a college or not, but somehow i want to believe that i’ll. I am not going to be a pessimist anymore. And i’ll try my best to be positive even if life forces me not to be that.

So keeping all my wonderful birthday memories in my mind, i am going to start a new year. I don’t know how its going to be but i do have faith that everything will fall back into place. I read a quote recently in one of the blogs, it said,

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born
and the day you find out why.”

Its been 22 years since i was born, I think very soon i’ll find out the reason too.

Happy Birthday to me!!!

91 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to Me

  1. The law of attraction is very powerful indeed…”Power” I guess is her second book…”The Secret” is the first one which talks about that thought power in detail! 🙂
    Wish you a very Happy Birthday (in advance) & may you attract all that you desire!! 🙂


  2. Hey Happy Birthday….I only, hope u r not very alone….read ur feelings, could relate a lot…I went thru d same..not all r judgemental n conclusive.find better frnz, real ppl….tkcare , hope d year ahead is fabulous for u…


  3. I hope you have an amazing day no matter what you do. It is your special day, the day you came into this world to make a difference big or small. It’s okay not to know what your purpose is yet. Embrace each new day’s hope and promise until you do. Happy Birthday to you!


  4. a very happy birthday to you Mona! and wish you get the everything in life that will make you happy and smile. 🙂 Every bday starts with a new day,a new bond,a new relation and so this one too shall give you immense happiness for the world of blogs.


  5. Happy Birthday, sweetheart 🙂 Have a wonderful year ahead filled with lots of happiness and beautiful moments.. I am sure things would be a lot better this year.. Lots of love!! Hugs!!


  6. You are just 22 ? Haha 😉 You are a baby 😛
    Many happy returns of the day 🙂
    As it turns out, I had a major party last night with some real friends that have managed to hold on to me over the years. Most of them had breakups in the recent past, and I arranged for a reunion of sorts- alcohol, weed and of course, bitching 😉 Pyaar ka Panchanam style 🙂
    Inadvertantly, we all did celebrate your birthday. So you want the bill ?


    • Its rude to ask a baby to pay your bill. Hindustani sabhyata mai bade log chote logon ko dete hain, remember that. And apart from bitching i don’t approve of the other two things you did.
      Write a post on your Pyaar ka Panchanama party. I would like to read about it, the real life story.


      • Ohh well 😉
        You are smart, and thats a loss 😛
        Even my mother does not approve of all that, and I make sure to tell her in detail about that ;\
        I will try to write about it for sure 🙂 It was a different experience altogether and people need to know.


      • Hehe… Dress up as a guy, and visit a bar some day. And you will hear plenty of such experiences 😉 As for our version of things, I will write about it for sure 🙂


      • On a serious note, you are right. I think nobody writes about it.Even my expression is limited, for reasons you can understand…
        But you know… I feel we should. And since, you are putting this so candidly, I think I can change that 🙂
        As far as bars are concerned, well… It is not something that one should do. Alcoholism is sheer cowardice and escapists justify it by saying weird things. So… keep it up 🙂


      • Yes, you should. We all want to know how you guys feel about it. I feel that most relationships don’t work out because of this inability of guys to talk about things that matter in a relationship. We never get to know how you feel. And i think we deserve to know.
        Well, saying no to alcohol or any other intoxicants is more of a personal choice. I don’t ask people to stay away from it. Its their choice. It scares me though. You should have seen my face, when i first saw my friends drinking in front of me. I haven’t grown up in that part.


      • You are absolutely right. It is a matter of personal choice. And to not resort to alcohol, is a fair thing to do, if you can. I have a different agenda with alcohol altogether, but more on that some other day 😉
        What you are referring to is the inability to communicate and it is something that does need to be paid attention to. Of course, my experiences have taught me that girls are pathetic communicators- but, we must not be prisoners of past. So… I guess both genders need to pay requisite attention to that. Point well taken 🙂


      • Different people, different relationships. I think its the case of ‘Opposites attract’. A girl who is expressive finds a guy who is not and vice versa. None of the guys i am friends with can communicate effectively while i can talk endlessly. 😦
        Well, you got two posts to write, first one being Pyar ka Panchanama and the other one, Mai Sharabi ! 😉


      • I admit that indeed is the case. I have never dated a girl who is expressive enough, while as you can see, I do have a thing for talking 😛 Genuine observation that you have made. Opposites attract, and thats a bad thing 🙂
        Yup. Two posts 😉 Done :!


      • Like minded people getting together would be comfortable, but a disaster. Both will commit the same mistakes 😉
        Simple, tranquil life is overrrated. Don’t you think so ?


      • Yes, i like my life with all these twists and turns. I like this uncertainty. Some people get to live a simple life, its all pre decided. Sometimes in really bad times i do want to live that kind of life but na it won’t be worth it. What’s life without all these struggles!


      • I know… 😉 PJs crack karne ki buri aadat hai doosron k blogs par 😐
        I am quite sure that you will make a wondeful life out of this all. Attitude matters 🙂


      • Haha… Alright 😉 Will continue our chitchat on other post of yours.
        BTW if you do not like so many comments on one post, which basically is spamming, please let me know… I am sorry I am obsessed with …well… talking 🙂


      • Come on! I know plenty of guys who would read up wikipedia entries on Ukrainian politics before going on date with Ukrainian models- just to chat about it for 4 hours 😛
        Seriously though, I have seen people become obsolete with the passage of time. I mean they become so much less interesting. I guess it has something to do about getting complacent. Now I am already talking to so many people, why do I need to become interesting- that kind of logic you know…
        BTW what do you girls do on birthdays ? The girls I have known, did stupid things. Not at all interesting.


      • Thankfully i didn’t come across such guys who would read politics to talk to me.. 😉
        I think its human nature, you just get bored of it after some time and nothing interests you. Its only some exceptional people like us who never get bored of talking. 🙂
        If you want to know what girls actually do on birthdays, you should better ask some one else. I’ll be the last girl on earth to enlighten you on that subject. I am the most boring girl on this planet, specially on matters of celebration. I was buying grocery with my mother on this birthday. That was the only time i went out. 😦


      • See that is why I did not say that it was me who did that. But I guess you figured it out anyway 😛

        I have seen that happen to people. Saw them get obsolete, and that is why we need to upgrade time and again. Learn something new, do something out of the way and so on and so forth… Not just because we want others to be interested in us but also because we should be interested in ourselves. I started dancing lessons last week for this precise reason 😉

        Come on ! Its not that bad. Ok. Well…it is bad 😛 But I guess when one stays at home, there is a different flavour of celebrations. I don’t remember when I was home last. But you know what… you should definitely try doing something interesting. You are young n you are creative… I am sure you can come up with something. Like I spent my birthday in 2010 in an orphanage. Something like that… 🙂


      • Dancing lessons and orphanage, two things i would love to do someday. I want to be interested in myself. I want to love myself more than i love others, but for time being i can’t do that. I’ve to get out of this world, be something, earn some amount of money and then i can be free. why do you think i blog? This is me, the girl i am but no one acknowledge me on being this girl, i’ve to live within some boundaries created by people. Don’t you think i am fed of living this kind of life? But i’ve to. I am still taken as a two year old kid no a 22 years old adult.


      • I can understand, because I am a product of the same culture. But I also know something that most do- but do not believe.
        That things boil down to a choice or two at the end of the day. I am not saying you should stop doing what you do today, but you can start adjusting things you want to do in your life. Earning some money ? Haha 🙂 Well you are a 22 year old, and I will have to give you some latitude 🙂
        It does not get easy with money in your bank account. Trust me on that.


      • Adjust hi to kr rahi hun kb se. At some point of time someday i don’t wanna do that.
        Money because my parents are not so well off and my siblings well they are busy in their own lives. Most of the problems and struggle in my life is because of the money factor. I can at least join some dance classes if i’ve extra money right?


      • Yes, a lot of things do need money. With a bit of money you could get a professional dance teacher. I agree. If I had money, I would be off to an all India tour- something that I have been planning for quite some time. Maybe in 2014 summers or at max, 2015. So yes… money does matter, irrespective of what anyone says.
        Read this quote somewhere: Having a poor father is not your fault, but getting a poor father-in-law is definitely yours… 😉 I think too much money would be a problem. But a little bit of that could be good. Like …say… 75K a month in B’lore for you or, 15K for me in Delhi ? 😛 I am sorry I am obsessed with numbers 🙂


      • 75K, haha, i would never earn that much in much life. Aise sapne na dikhao.
        Yes, we do need like i needed it to recharge my net, after begging everyone i got it finally. Sorry can’t think of a better example right now.


      • Haha.. That is quite an example 😉 I remember your laptop had given up some time back too. Tough life indeed 😛
        Come on ! It is not so much about 75K as such. But friends who put up in B’lore told me that it is the least people like them ( =me) need there. Never been to B’lore, no idea about expenses there. Delhi is pretty reasonable though. If I was working, I would have been fine with 15K here 😉

        Plus, if you get down to earning money- then you can do it. Trust me on that.


      • Yes, i was the one with the khrab laptop! 😦 And i am still the one. I work on a PC now. Actually i took a vow not to buy anything new till i get into a college and i am taking it very seriously.
        I could do with 40 K in bangalore, waise toh money is never enough but 40 is okay for me. And the place i am right now, even 10k is enough for me. Bangalore is a way too costly in terms of living.


      • I think that was the first post I read from you. That is quite a vow. You a descendant of Bhishma Pitamah or what ? Taking all these vows and all ? 🙂 In an ever changing world, the static statement of intent is quite a mismatch. Don’t you think ?

        College ? MBA, I presume ? Good luck with that 🙂 I am sure you will do something of worth with yourself. You are talented…

        That is what friends have told me too. My little sister works there too. But she is not like you guys. She gets 25 and saves almost the half of it. Amazes me 😉 But she is a baby, so maybe… 🙂


      • I am just filmy. I thought ki sab sanyas lungi to bhagwan shayad khin mera beda par kr de.
        I wish it was MBA, but kahan hum paise ko chunte hain. I was stupid enough to think of being a researcher some day. M.tech, PhD socha that but now, thinking to take the other way. Remember the poem? Lets see what happens. Its hard to crack these entrance exams. I haven’t done well.
        Your sister is great. I can’t think of saving anything. I am so bored of this vow, that the minute i’ll get a job or get into a college, i’ll run to the nearest mall to shop. Imagine a girl like me didn’t buy anything for the past 8 months. Its not less than a miracle.


      • It is indeed a miracle when you quoted books over jewellery 🙂 Keep it up.
        It sounds a bit cliche, but its not that difficult. For GRE and GMAT, I can say with much authority. Not so much for GATE.
        Please do not let these career fluctuations dictate your happiness though- just a thought.
        Manzilen aur bhi hain… 🙂


      • GRE and GMAT were never an option for me. Its India all the way, and GATE diya hai, hopeless about the result. One of the reasons i started this blog was GATE, there was nothing else i did all the time sitting at home, apart from blogging and studying.
        Jis jagah pe mai abhi hun, passing an exam and getting into a college is the only reason for my happiness. I’ve actually declared it, ki ab mai tabhi khush hungi jab mujhe job ya college milega.
        Well. manzilen to bahout hain, but un tak pahunchne k liye imtehaan bhi kai hain.


      • God bless you child 😛 With the right amount of effort, I am quite sure you will go places. You are talented and ambitious- a potent combination.

        I did not appear for GATE at all. Too much of engineering had spoiled my aptitude, or so I thought 😉 And if you get to choose a college, go for Kanpur 😛 I will tell you why, when the time comes 🙂


      • I may be talented and ambitious but i am not hard working, or India mai bina struggle k kuch nahi milta. There are almost 10K students fighting for one seat, and some of them writing the exam from many years.
        GATE was my only hope but it wasn’t good. or itne bhayanak kanpur wale sapne to mai dekh bhi nhi skti. Well right now i’ve an exam, you know about JAM, but i didn’t go. They ask everything apart from what i’ve read during engineering. I am so fed up with my biotech books that i don’t have the strength to pick them up again. I don’t even worry about anything now. I’ve just given up.


      • Aisa mat karo. I think I know what doing the same thing over and over is like. I have been trying to do something here too, since the last 2 years, and failing 😉 The thing is that just when you think you can do it anymore, things start to change. Do not give up hope.
        I am sure things are meant to get better for everyone in the world around us. It is just a matter of time… Believe.


      • It is heartening to see that one platform, you are what you really are. Even if it is under an anonymous handle. That is important.
        I hope someday, you translate your public image as what you are here.. That would be a day to celebrate.


  7. I have heard a bit about ‘Power’ by Rhonda Bryne but I wasn’t too keen on taking it up. Some books age well, as in, they remain a favourite even after a substantial passage of time whereas some don’t and drop down the list as we get a better perspective of things in it. Which category does this book belong to, aged well or not?


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